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Die GSI- und EAI-Präsidentin gratuliert Isaac Herzog zur Präsidentenwahl


Dear Mr President-elect

I congratulate you most warmly on your convincing election today in the Knesseth as the 11th President of the State of Israel. We wish you strength and God's blessing in this high office. You are taking office at a difficult time. To «build bridges», as you announced doing today, is most certainly an important step to lead Israel towards strenght and prosperity.

The Switzerland-Israel Association has excellent memories of personal encounters with you. For example, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of our Association in Zurich in December 2007, where you were keynote speaker alongside the President of the Swiss Confederation at the time, Micheline Calmy-Rey, and in January 2017 when we welcomed you as a guest of honour in the circle of our most loyal supporters.

We are also particularly pleased about your election because your brother Joel is President of our Geneva branch.

Our best wishes accompany you and the State of Israel.

I greet you most cordially,

Corina Eichenberger-Walther, fmr MP
President Switzerland-Israel Association and President European Alliance for Israel


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